Jangan Abaikan, ini Amalan Sunah Terspesial Selama Bulan Ramdhan

Jangan Abaikan, ini Amalan Sunah Terspesial Selama Bulan Ramdhan -Ilustrasi-

Bersedekah juga memiliki nilai amal yang sangat mulia dalam Islam. Rasulullah SAW menganjurkan umatnya untuk memperbanyak sedekah, baik itu dalam bentuk harta maupun kebaikan lainnya kepada sesama. Sedekah memiliki nilai yang sangat mulia. Bersediakah sangat dianjurkan Rasullulah baik itu dalam bentuk harta maupun kebaikan lainnya kepada sesama.

Perbanyak ITIKAB.

Itikaf di masjid yaitu berdiam diri di masjid dengan tujuan untuk beribadah dan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT. Sebaiknya, I’tikaf dilakukan selama satu bulan penuh. Namun, jika tidak bisa maka diutamakan 10 hari selama Ramadhan.

7. Shalat TARAWIH.

Salat tarawih yaitu salat sunnah berjamaah yang khusus dilaksanakan pada malam bulan Ramadhan, setelah sholat isya dan sebelum sholat subuh. Dalam sebuah hadist Rasulullah SAW dijelaskan salah satu keutamaan sholat tarawih yaitu diampuni dosa-dosa di masa lalu. Salah satu hadis menyebut barangsiapa ibadah (tarawih) di bulan Ramadhan seraya beriman dan ikhlas, maka diampuni baginya dosa yang telah lampau.(*)


The month of Ramdhan is the most special month among the 12 months of the year. Because, this month of Ramdhan there are many sunnah practices whose rewards are multiplied many times over. During the month of Ramdhan, Muslims are not only required to fast. But Muslims are also strongly encouraged to carry out sunnah worship in accordance with the recommendations of the Prophet. 

BACA JUGA:Kue Bongko, Kudapan Khas Ramadhan Masyarakat Ipuh

In this article the author describes at least 7 sunnah practices during Ramadan which have double the rewards. It is a great loss for Muslims who fast but do not carry out the Sunnah worship, which has multiple practices. Here are 7 sunnah practices that are most special and have double the rewards during the holy month of Ramdhan. 

The first Sunnah practice is SAHUR. 

Eating sahur before entering Imsak time is a source of energy during fasting for one day. Apart from that, eating sahur is also a blessing, so don't leave it even if you only drink a sip of water, because Allah SWT and the angels pray for blessings on those who eat sahur food. 

The second sunnah night is breaking the fast. 

Breaking the fast with dates The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, breaking the fast by eating an odd number of dates. Eat fresh dates or dried dates, but if not available then with mineral water. This is a practice taught by the Prophet and is part of good habits. 

Next, do more Dhikr. 

Saying Tasbih, Tahmid, Takbir and dhikr by saying tasbih subhanallah, tahmid alhamdullilah, and takbir allahu akbar. In the month of Ramadan, reciting dhikr gets rewards multiplied by Allah SWT and can be read at any time. Starting from dhikr at dawn, after prayer, while waiting to break the fast, when breaking the fast until at night. 
